Academic Events/Materials
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Root Level
Materials for the Residents (1237 documents)
Morning Report (3 documents)
ASK Rotation (50 documents)
2024-2025 (50 documents)
Intro to Stats/Descriptive Stats (1 documents)
Study Design (1 documents)
STAT Intro (2 documents)
Sample Sizes (2 documents)
Social Media (1 documents)
Professionalism (1 documents)
Curriculum Vitae (1 documents)
Journal Club Articles (9 documents)
Increased breast cancer risk in women with neu ...
Self-reported and Documented Substance Use Amo ...
Self-reported and Documented Substance Use Amo ...
Predicting Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Renal ...
Comparison between single-dose oral prednisolo ...
Assessment of 2-Year Neurodevelopmental Outcom ...
Healthcare-Associated Respiratory Syncytial Vi ...
Intermediate vs. High Oxygen Saturation Target ...
Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth ...
Ethics (1 documents)
Clinical Research (1 documents)
Asking a Research Question (1 documents)
Research in Pediatrics (1 documents)
Survival Analysis (1 documents)
Manuscript Writing (1 documents)
Writing an REB application (1 documents)
Linear Regression (1 documents)
Logistic Regression (2 documents)
Virtual Care Delivery (1 documents)
Social Media (0 documents)
Academic Half Day (1170 documents)
PGY1-PGY3 Academic Half Day (1147 documents)
2023-2024 (141 documents)
Respirology (2 documents)
Quality and Safety (1 documents)
Psychiatry (10 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions/Answers (1 documents)
Ophthalmology (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Nutrition (12 documents)
Nephrology (6 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Hospitalist (8 documents)
Articles (4 documents)
Neonatal/Perinatal (10 documents)
Cases (2 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Infectious Diseases (6 documents)
Articles (2 documents)
Presentations (1 documents)
Gastroenterology (3 documents)
Endocrinology (10 documents)
Development and Behaviour (10 documents)
Dermatology (3 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Dentistry (1 documents)
Complex Care (6 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Cardiology (5 documents)
Ambulatory Care (5 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Allergy (2 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions/Answers (1 documents)
2022-2023 (151 documents)
Rheumatology (2 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
Psychiatry (11 documents)
Nutrition (9 documents)
Neurology (14 documents)
Cases (2 documents)
Articles (10 documents)
PNES (Continuum 2016).pdf
Pediatric Migraine.pdf
Epilepsy Syndromes in Childhood (Continuum 201 ...
Pediatric Headache (Continuum 2018) .pdf
Emergency management of the paediatric patient ...
2021 AHS Consensus Statement Update on integr ...
Sleep Disorders (Continuum 2018) .pdf
Seizures (PIR 2020) .pdf
Nephrology (4 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Infectious Diseases (9 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Hematology/Oncology (11 documents)
Global Health (2 documents)
Genetics (4 documents)
Endocrinology (10 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Articles (8 documents)
CPS The toddler who is falling off the growth ...
Thyroid Disorders in Children and Adolescents- ...
CPS Promoting optimal monitoring of child grow ...
Short and Tall Stature.pdf
Approach to Ambiguous Genitalia Neonate.pdf
Precocious Puberty.pdf
Gynecomastia and Premature Thelarche.pdf
Delayed Puberty.pdf
Development and Behaviour (7 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Child Protection (1 documents)
Ambulatory Care (4 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions/Answers (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Articles (2 documents)
Allergy (8 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions/Answers (1 documents)
Adolescent Medicine (2 documents)
Ophthalmology (2 documents)
2021-2022 (200 documents)
Surgery (8 documents)
Respirology (5 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Quality and Safety (4 documents)
Palliative Care (1 documents)
Otolaryngology (19 documents)
Nutrition (11 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
NICU (6 documents)
Nephrology (7 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Neonatal/Perinatal (3 documents)
Immunology (18 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Articles (14 documents)
Article 9 Newborn screening for SCID.pdf
Article 11 - Chronic Granulomatous Disease (20 ...
Article 3 Canadian Society for Allergy and Cli ...
Article 8 Pediatric HLH .pdf
Article 11 - CGD (Holland 2010).pdf
Article 2 - Human Inborn Errors of immunity - ...
Article 7 - Immunologic aspects of 22q11 (2012 ...
Article 10a hematologic features of PID.pdf
Article 1 - Human Inborn Errors of Immunity- 2 ...
Article 6 - DiGeorge Anomaly.pdf
Article 10 - PIDs associated with immune cytop ...
Article 5 - Use and Interpretation of diagnost ...
Article 9.5 - Severe Combined Immune Deficienc ...
Article 4 - Practice Parameter for the Diagnos ...
Infectious Diseases (5 documents)
Hospitalist (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Hematology (7 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Global Health (6 documents)
Genetics (4 documents)
Ethics (6 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Emergency (12 documents)
Dermatology (3 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Community Pediatrics (3 documents)
Child Protection (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Child Life (7 documents)
Cases (2 documents)
Development (8 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
CBD (1 documents)
Cardiology (8 documents)
Ambulatory Care (4 documents)
Adolescent Medicine (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
2020-2021 (170 documents)
Urology (2 documents)
Sports Med (5 documents)
Speech Language Pathology (2 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Respirology (2 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
Psychiatry (8 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Plastics (4 documents)
Orthopedics (1 documents)
Ophthalmology (2 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
NICU Mock Codes (1 documents)
Neurology (14 documents)
Nephrology (6 documents)
Infectious Diseases (5 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Hospitalist (6 documents)
Articles (4 documents)
Genetics (1 documents)
Gastroenterology (3 documents)
Emergency (13 documents)
Articles (9 documents)
supraglottic-airway-devices_-_additional_info_ ...
Pediatric-Burns (1).pdf
pediatric-mechanical-ventilation_-_eb_medicine ...
Burn care in children.pdf
hfnc-noninvasive-ventilation_-_additional_info ...
2018 Metab DO ED EM Clinics copy.pdf
critical_care_in_the_pediatric_-_additional_in ...
Peds0913 Electrical Injuries (3).pdf
Peds In Review Limping Child.pdf
Endocrinology (7 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Development (10 documents)
Dermatology (2 documents)
CPC (1 documents)
Complex Care (7 documents)
Cardiology (5 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Ambulatory Care (6 documents)
Sample Forms (1 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions/Answers (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Allergy (18 documents)
Articles (8 documents)
Vaccine allergy Immunology clinics 2014.pdf
2020-11-25 Pediatric AHD IgE-Med FA Objectives.pdf
Vaccine allergy summary CMAJ 2019.pdf
2020-01 Simons CHILD PN Intro All Sens.pdf
Antibiotic Allergy in Pediatrics 2018 review.pdf
Ruffner Spergel2017_Article_EosinophilicEsopha ...
Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis.pdf
Adolescent Gynecology (5 documents)
Hematology/Oncology (10 documents)
2019-2020 (212 documents)
Rheumatology (2 documents)
Respirology (4 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Objectives (1 documents)
Psychiatry (15 documents)
Palliative Care (7 documents)
Articles (6 documents)
Pain (1 documents)
Otolaryngology (20 documents)
OT_Physio (11 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Ophthalmology (4 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Nutrition (9 documents)
Nephrology (4 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Neonatal/Perinatal (2 documents)
Infectious Diseases (4 documents)
Hospitalists (3 documents)
Genetics & Metabolics (2 documents)
Hematology/Oncology (18 documents)
Articles (11 documents)
Autoimmune neutropenia updates.pdf
Pediatric Resident AHD-PBT-2019.pdf
Pediatric brain tumors-PIR.pdf
von Willebrand Disease in Pediatrics Evaluatio ...
Pediatric Coagulation Disorders
Microcytic Anemia
Clarke-2016-Clinical presentation of childhood.pdf
Progress and Prospects in Pediatric Leukemia
Pediatric brain tumors-2016-Clinical.pdf
The α-Thalassemias
Gastroenterology (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Ethics (8 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Emergency (16 documents)
Questions (1 documents)
Articles (11 documents)
Pediatric Ingestions: Emergency Department Man ...
Heat Illness PIR
Medications That Can Be Fatal For a Toddler wi ...
Peds Submersion Injuries
Management of the neonate with symptomatic con ...
‘Dry drowning’ and other myths'
Carcillo goal directed management shock
Mandatory Reading - CPS Statements.pdf
Evaluation and Management of Pediatric Patient ...
Berlin guideline.pdf
Complex Care (17 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Articles (14 documents)
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity.pdf
Troubleshooting Tracheostomy.pdf
AAPCPDM care pathway- osteoporosis.pdf
Pain Assessment and Treatment.pdf
Tracheostomy Tubes and Devices.pdf
AAPCPDM care pathway- hip surveillance.pdf
Nutrional Deficiency and Excess.pdf
Tone Management.pdf
AAPCPDM care pathway- dystonia.pdf
Cerebral Palsy Quick Facts.pdf
Supplemental Info AHD.pdf
Cerbral Palsy Review.pdf
Status Dystonicus.pdf
AAPCPDM care pathway- sialorrhea.pdf
Community Pediatrics (2 documents)
Resources (1 documents)
Objectives (1 documents)
Child Protection (7 documents)
Articles (6 documents)
Child Development (6 documents)
Objectives (1 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cardiology (7 documents)
Ambulatory Care (4 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Allergy & Immunology (10 documents)
Articles (9 documents)
Treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis
Asthma in Preschoolers
Managing the paediatric patient with an acute ...
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (AR ...
GINA difficult to treat and severe asthma
AHRQ 2018 Evidence for intermittent ICS and LAMA
Diagnosis and Management of Rhinosinusitis
Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis
Severe Asthma Recognition
Adolescent Medicine (6 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
2018-2019 (199 documents)
Surgery (13 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (4 documents)
Rheumatology (7 documents)
Articles (6 documents)
Respirology (1 documents)
Articles/Cases (1 documents)
Pharmacology (6 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Palliative Care (5 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Otolaryngology (18 documents)
Articles (6 documents)
Nutrition (9 documents)
References (1 documents)
Cases (2 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Neurology (5 documents)
Presentations (1 documents)
Nephrology (6 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Neonatal/Perinatal (2 documents)
Lab Medicine (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Immunology (14 documents)
Articles (12 documents)
Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) presenting w ...
Evaluation of Primary Immunodeficiency Disease ...
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Phenotypic Classification of Primary Immunodef ...
Immunological aspects of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspect ...
PInternational Union of Immunological Societies
DiGeorge Syndrome/ Velocardiofacial Syndrome
Chronic granulomatous disease: Clinical, molec ...
Use and Interpretation of diagnostic vaccinati ...
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Practice Parameter for the Diagnosis and M of ...
Infectious Diseases (9 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Hospitalist (2 documents)
Hematology (10 documents)
References (1 documents)
Global Health (6 documents)
Gastroenterology (1 documents)
Ethics (7 documents)
ER Mock Codes (2 documents)
Endocrinology (9 documents)
Dermatology (2 documents)
Cases (0 documents)
Complex Care (7 documents)
Articles (6 documents)
Ambulatory Care (2 documents)
Articles (1 documents)
Cardiovascular (11 documents)
Cases (3 documents)
Allergy (11 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Adolescent Medicine (7 documents)
Adolescent Gynecology (3 documents)
2025-2026 (0 documents)
2024-2025 (74 documents)
Surgery (7 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (2 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Sports Med (0 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Speech and Language (1 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Psychiatry (4 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Palliative Care (0 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Infectious Diseases (6 documents)
Cases (2 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Indigenous Health (4 documents)
Forms (2 documents)
Recordings (0 documents)
Endocrinology (7 documents)
Emergency (4 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Articles/Resources (2 documents)
Development (7 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Dentistry (1 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Complex Care (2 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Child Protection (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Adolescent Medicine (1 documents)
Adolescent Gynecology (0 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Ambulatory Care (2 documents)
Nephrology (5 documents)
Dermatology (2 documents)
Cases (1 documents)
PGY4 Academic Half Day (6 documents)
2024-2025 (6 documents)
Ongomiizwin (0 documents)
Indigenous Health (0 documents)
Documentation Responsibilities (5 documents)
Completing documentation and forms (0 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Billing (1 documents)
Recording (0 documents)
Presentation (1 documents)
Financial Wellness, Incorporation, and Financial teams (0 documents)
PGY1 Academic Half Day (17 documents)
2024-2025 (17 documents)
TPN Ordering (1 documents)
Pediatric Resuscitation Basics (1 documents)
Metabolic Emergencies (1 documents)
Hypoglycemia (1 documents)
Clinical Fluid Assessment (1 documents)
PGY1 Orientation Block (0 documents)
2025-2026 (0 documents)
Resident Presentation (10 documents)
2023-2024 (7 documents)
Noon Teaching (2 documents)
2024-2025 (2 documents)
Journal Club (1 documents)
2024-2025 (1 documents)
Royal College Exam Prep (1 documents)
2025 (1 documents)
Rheumatology (0 documents)
Respirology (0 documents)
Psychiatry (0 documents)
Ophthalmology (0 documents)
Oncology (1 documents)
Infectious Diseases (0 documents)
Hematology (0 documents)
Genetics (0 documents)
Metabolism (0 documents)
ER/Acute Medicine (0 documents)
Endocrinology (0 documents)
Child Maltreatment (0 documents)
Allergy/Immunology (0 documents)
Adolescent Medicine (0 documents)
Community (0 documents)
Otolaryngology (0 documents)
Academic Half Day (0 documents)
Journal Club (0 documents)
Morning Report (0 documents)
Noon Teaching (0 documents)
Grand Rounds (0 documents)
Physical Exam Boot OSCE & Boot Camp (0 documents)