Entrada Training

General Information

Entrada uses UMNetID, so logging in is simple - just use the same email and password you provide when using other University of Manitoba systems such as JUMP, UM Learn and wifi.

If you do not have a UMNetID, create one now.


Training Videos


Mini-CEx - https://vimeo.com/756866158

Final-ITER and Mid-ITER - https://vimeo.com/756961304

General: https://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/health_sciences/medicine/units/psychiatry/media/DoP_HowToEntrada_QRG.pdf

Technical Support

For assistance with your account or password management, email the university's IST Service Desk. or call 204-474-8600.


For Entrada support at the University of Manitoba or to share feedback, contact us at entrada@umanitoba.ca